Taking place from July 25th to August 1st, the Emma International Collaboration is an unstructured, creative collaboration between invited artists from all over the world. Affectionately known as “Emma,” this biennial week-long residency takes place at the Ness Creek Festival Site in Northern Saskatchewan. Artists at various stages of their careers are challenged to step outside their usual art practice to explore medium, technique, and subject matter through hands on collaboration and exciting creative exchange.

“A Woman’s Skin” 2014
Lindsay Embree
@LREmbree / @lindsayembree56

“Untitled Dress” Dimensions 2015
What is your current area of artistic interest?
Fabric/textile surface design encompassing natural dyes, hand printed and hand painted designs.
What is an an interesting or surprising aspect of yourself as an artist?

“Nothing Beats Nature” 2014
I have 30 years of printmaking experience (lithography, traditional stone and plate lithography, waterless lithography), silk screen printing, etching and relief printing.
If you could have an artistic super power, what would it be?
Not to over think a piece before I start it! Create more work without over thinking it.
What is the biggest thrill for you as an Emma participant?
Working with so many talented and friendly artists from around the world; seeing how my art work shifts direction because of these contacts/interactions.
Emma Art Auctions
Ness Creek
- WHEN: Wednesday, August 1
- Invite friends on Facebook
- Live & Silent Auction: 4 – 7 pm
- WHERE: Ness Creek Festival Site, east of Big River, SK
- WHEN: Thursday, August 2
- Invite friends on Facebook
- Silent Auction: 5 pm
- Live Auction: 7 pm
- WHERE: Holy Family Cathedral, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon, SK
These live and silent art auctions take place at the end of Emma at the site and in Saskatoon. The auctions are fun, free, and open to the public. This could be the beginning of your art collection! See what artistic magic occurred at the week-long collaboration! Bid on sculptures, paintings, furnishings, jewellery, and wearable art created by more than 80 international, national, and local artists. Proceeds help fund the next Emma.
The Saskatoon auction will feature food by Fresh Dish Catering and a musical performance by Saskatoon local Ellen Froese.