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Seasons of Light: A Group Exhibition by the Saskatoon Glassworkers' Guild. March 16 to May 4, 2024.

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Queer Newfoundland Hockey League
Lucas Morneau

The Saskatchewan Craft Council is proud to present Queer Newfoundland Hockey League, a solo exhibition by Lucas Morneau (they/he), a Sobey Art Award (2024) longlisted artist. Queer Newfoundland Hockey League(QNHL) is a fictional hockey league made up of 14 teams, presented through crocheted and rug hooked hockey jerseys, queered hockey cards, and crocheted goalie masks.

QNHL team names all use pejoratives used against the LGBT2QIA+ community to reclaim the words often used against queer individuals both on and off the ice. Each jersey is created using craft practices often deemed “women’s work” and make references to the history of rug hooking in Newfoundland and the use of stockings from women around rural communities in the province.

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