Our building is 110 years old and needs some refurbishing.
As you know, the SCC has been operating out of our historical building since it was first acquired in 1991. Many of our programs would not be possible without this space, and the time has now come for it to receive some much-needed TLC.
The roof of the building needs repairs, which are necessary for the prevention of water issues, not to mention the safety of the precious artworks inside!
Our gallery lighting system is no longer functional and was replaced in February with a more robust alternative.
The second-floor office flooring has been run down to less than acceptable condition (seriously, do you want to see the duct tape on the carpet?).

In order to reach our goal and move forward with the renovations, and ultimately continue the work that we do, we need your help! Our reputable exhibitions program has supported the careers of hundreds of artists and our boutique helps generate income for many of our members. Our office is a space for collaborating, problem solving, and dreaming of the future of craft in Saskatchewan. Our space allows us to connect, engage and celebrate craft and also to store equipment and supplies, photograph and promote works, and to package and ship craft items worldwide.
None of this is possible without your support.
Help us take care of this 110-year-old treasure.
To our members and supporters — Thank you for all of the ways you have supported the SCC and kept us in operation for 44 years. We know that with your continued support, we can continue this legacy and do great things for Saskatchewan craft for many years to come.
Every dollar counts. Please consider the Saskatchewan Craft Council. A charitable tax receipt will be issued to you.
Other Ways to Donate:
- By credit card over the phone. Call (306) 653-3616 ext. 0.
- By cash, debit, or credit in person at SCC Gallery & Fine Craft Boutique at 813 Broadway Ave, Saskatoon.
- You can also donate online on the Canada Helps website here.
Contact SCC Executive Director Carmen Milenkovic at director@saskcraftcouncil.org
Thank you for your contribution to fine craft in Saskatchewan.
To learn more about the SCC’s historic 1912 building, click here.