Written by: Japneet Kaur, artist featured in “The Narrative Dish II” in SCC Gallery

“Plate Series 1-10” by Japneet Kaur
She knit wind rustling through trees, water singing amongst congregation of stones lining riverbeds, birds embroidering the air with chirps and whistles, she knit, she knit, soft silence of snow falling, magnolias unfurling and snails folding back into their shells, saplings bursting out of seeds to reach the sun and roots extending to the belly of the earth for nourishment, she knit, she knit, she knit these into a small song. She knit gardens and lush forests. She knit cocoons of warmth around children and sanctuaries of hope for weary hearts and broken spirits. She knit inviting feasts for the unwelcomed, embraces for the othered, and poems for the voiceless. She knit, she knit, a small home with doors wide open.
– Japneet Kaur