Written by: Kaitlyn Frolek & Maureen Schimnowsky, Gallery Assistants

Maureen Schimnosky

Kaitlyn Frolek
What we love about working at the SCC?
We love being surrounded by art! It’s a wonderful thing to be enveloped by art for a few hours a week. As art makers, we glean inspiration from the changing exhibitions and hand-crafted works in the Boutique.
What do we do?

“Royal Ceremonial Tapestry” is the current exhibition in the SCC Gallery.
As Gallery Assistants, it is our primary priority to greet incoming visitors to the SCC Gallery. We welcome guests to our space and speak with them about our current exhibition. It’s key to provide our visitors with information about the works, the artist(s), and any background information pertaining to our show. This is one of the most enjoyable aspects of our job: to be able to speak with people about art! Maureen and Kaitlyn invite them to our receptions as well to any lecture or Q and A’s that may be taking place with each exhibition. We also assist in the take down and set up of exhibitions. It’s fun to be one of the first people to see what will be going into new exhibits! It is also our pleasure to welcome them to browse our Fine Craft Boutique.

The SCC Fine Craft Boutique is located within the SCC Gallery.
As Gallery Assistants, we job share, meaning we alternate every week, and work two shifts per week. Our responsibilities in the Boutique vary. However, our main job is to assist visitors in the boutique with purchases and any questions they may have about specific artist and the processes they use in their art making. We keep the boutique tidy, and make sure it is organized. As well, we help out Donna in any way we can. She is one busy lady!
Other Responsibilities
Not only do we assist visitors to the gallery and boutique, we have other jobs to maintain in each space. We keep the exhibition clean, as well as the boutique. We organize and label the resource centre, update our public bulletin board, write blog entries, and ensure that boutique bags are stamped and stocked. It is also our responsibility to complete any tasks or projects for the Exhibitions Coordinators.