Jan 29, 2016 | art, artist, artist profile, artist statement, artists, arts community, buy craft, ceramics, clay, craft, craft markets, events, felting, fibre art, fine craft, Fused Glass, Glass, SCC staff, Toronto Gift Fair, tour, travel, wholesale, wholesale program
Written by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant As part of our Wholesale Program, the Saskatchewan Craft Council is sending 6 artists — Ken Wilkinson, Zach Dietrich, Wendy Parsons, Heike Fink, Robert Miller, and Elisabeth Miller — to the Toronto Gift...
Feb 4, 2015 | Al Hiebert, Boutique, craft, Elisabeth Miller, Fused Glass, Glass, Joan Hiebert, Kimberly Dickinson, Lee Brady, Robert Miller, Sue Hunchuk
Submitted by: Maia Stark, SCC Gallery Assistant This look at fused glass examines work by Lee Brady, Kimberly Dickinson, Sue Hunchuk, Robert and Elisabeth Miller, and Al and Joan Hiebert. Fused glass is, in its most accurate and condensed definition, glass that has...