Aug 4, 2017 | SCC members, papier mâché, artist program, artists in schools, collaboration, community, paper
Written by: Cheryl Ring, ceramic artist and SCC juried Professional Craftsperson The Healing Heart is a socially-engaged visual art project that will culminate in the creation of a large-scale collaborative sculpture. To launch the project, I will be bringing...
Sep 16, 2015 | art, book review, craft, design, how to, paper, review, skill building, technique
Submitted by: Paddy Tutty, Fine Arts, Saskatoon Public Library Playing with Pop-ups: The Art of Dimensional, Moving Paper Designs Published 2014 by Helen Hiebert 745.54 HIEB (Frances Morrison Central Library) Paper artist Helen Hiebert guides the reader...
Jun 30, 2015 | art book, book binding, handmade books, how to, paper, process, skill building, technique, Uncategorized
Submitted by: Kaitlyn Frolek, Gallery Assistant Book binding can be challenging experience, but the rewards are amazing! The upside is that each time you do it, the process gets easier. I first learned to book bind when I was in high school, and learned a very simple...