Saskatoon TechWorks Inc.

Submitted by Vivian Orr, SCC Communications & Publications Coordinator   “Saskatoon TechWorks Inc. is a makerspace (or hackerspace) that is focused on science, technology, culture, mechanics and the digital arts. We offer a space where people with...
Insider’s Report: WinterGreen Emerging Artist

Insider’s Report: WinterGreen Emerging Artist

  Submitted by Vivian Orr – SCC Communications & Publications Coordinator INSIDER’S REPORT FROM The Craft Market Newbie – more politely known as “emerging artist” Once upon a time there was an SCC Communications staff person who decided to walk-the-walk and...
The Craft Factor – Plundering Art

The Craft Factor – Plundering Art

Volume 18, number 1, Winter 1993/Spring 1994 Cultural appropriation is a term that has become more common in recent times. A growing awareness of what it means to “borrow” aspects of another culture, and the negative implications of this has led to an...
Manifesto for Making: Report

Manifesto for Making: Report

Submitted by: Vivian Orr, SCC Marketing and Communications CoordinatorThe Heritage Crafts AssociationManifesto for Making: Report23 March 2013The Manifesto for Makingwas held as a part of the Heritage Crafts Associations’ annual Spring Conference at the Victoria and...