Bernie Bober
Bernard’s life-long affinity with fire has worked its way into woodturning art. Bernard is primarily a self-taught wood-turner who creates one-of-a-kind functional and decorative pieces. He has also taken classes with Michael Hosaluk, Brian McAvoy, Jimmy Clewes and attended sessions with Beth Ireland, Clay Foster, Del Stubbs, Mark Sfirri, Andrew Glasebrook, Bonnie Klein and Mary Thouin (marbling). Over the last two years, Bernard was invited to participate with the Hub City Woodturners at the Artisans market in Saskatoon, SK.
Primarily working with birch burls, Bernard uses locally harvested and salvaged wood from the boreal forest.
Phone: 306.865.4235
Cell: 306.470.7480
Gallery Representation:
SCC Fine Craft Boutique, Saskatoon, SK
Prince Albert Woodturners Guild
American Association of Woodturners