Brian Baggett

Brian Baggett is a lifelong musician that has embraced a creative outlet of assembling hardwood boxes and related mosaic wood art. After a brief career in construction and remodelling, he began experimenting with hardwoods during down times from recording an album in 2015. Brian uses the global array of hardwood species and local woods as his color palette, creating mosaics inspired by improvisational music and sound art. All of his box creations are in as natural of a state as possible: no color altering oils or stains are used, and no hardware attached. All boxes are unique, one of a kind and finished with Tung oil and a local beeswax mix. Brian Baggett Wood Craft began in 2016 and is based in Fort Qu’Appelle.
Phone: (306) 331-7736
Instagram: @baggetthouse
Facebook: brianbaggettwoodcraft
Gallery Representation – Yvette Moore Gallery