Prairie Sculptors’ Association

The Prairie Sculptors’ Association is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and is comprised of members from across the Province. our members are varied in their skill set and include Blacksmithing, stone carving, wood, iron work, bronze casting, ceramics, clay and more.

Please feel free to contact us to organize a symposium in your town, commission a sculpture or put on a workshop in your community.

Ten local sculptors founded the Association in 1982. Bill Epp, a renowned artist and professor of sculpture at the University of Saskatchewan, inspired the group.  

The main activities of the Associations have been symposia and shows. To date, there have been 19 symposia, with Saskatoon, North Battleford, Big River and Manitou being the usual locations. The most recent symposia have been at the Chapel Gallery in North Battleford (2005, 2007, 2009, 2014, 2016 and 2018).  

There have been many group shows, most recently spring exhibitions at Innovation Place (from 2005 to 2019). The 2020 show was cancelled duue to COVID-19. There have also been seven biannual shows at the main branch of the Saskatoon public library (1996 to 2008), and at the Chapel Gallery in North Battleford (2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2014).  

Current and past members of PSA have created much of the public art that is in Saskatoon and North Battleford. Pieces have been funded in various ways from annual rentals to purchases, to “free loans” provided by the artists.  

We have been, and continue to be a diverse group in terms of materials used and styles of work. Most members practice their craft part time, although there are some full time artists.  


Phone: 306.665.9184