Mar 21, 2018 | craft education, SCC members, artists in schools, arts community, craft, how to, skill building, technique, wood, woodworking, workshop
Written by: Glen Friesen, Industrial Arts Teacher at Waldheim School Waldheim School is a kindergarten to Grade 12 school located in the town of Waldheim, about 40 miles north of Saskatoon. Students enter the Industrial Arts program in Grade 7 and continue...
Aug 4, 2017 | papier mâché, SCC members, artist program, artists in schools, collaboration, community, paper
Written by: Cheryl Ring, ceramic artist and SCC juried Professional Craftsperson The Healing Heart is a socially-engaged visual art project that will culminate in the creation of a large-scale collaborative sculpture. To launch the project, I will be bringing...
Apr 20, 2016 | art, artist, artists in schools, arts community, collaboration, community, craft, fabric, fibre, fibre art, Saskatchewan Arts Board, skill building, technique, textiles
Submitted by: Kara Perpelitz, SCC member and fibre artist Late last year, a friend of mine (who happens to be a teacher in our local school), Jessica Lepitzki, approached me about teaching a class of grade 8 & 9 students to spin, dye, and weave. The thought...