Jul 8, 2015 | art, community, craft business, cross stitch, design, fabric, fibre, fibre art, needlepoint, social media, textiles, twitter
Submitted by: Maureen Schminowsky, Gallery Assistant Needlepoint is a skill that can be found peppered throughout history, appearing in Egyptian tombs dating back to 1500 BCE, covering ancient Maori costumes in New Zealand and finding its way into religious ceremonies...
Apr 29, 2015 | advice, art, artists, business, craft, craft business, facebook, how to, instagram, skill building, social media, twitter
Submitted by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant This post is a part of a series on hashtag use. Click here for part two! A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a hash, number, or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic on social media...
Apr 10, 2015 | advice, artists, business, craft business, events, exhibition, facebook, how to, instagram, skill building, social media, twitter, Uncategorized
Submitted by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant To read Part 1 of this post on hashtags, click here! Last week I wrote about the basics of hashtags. Now that you know what they are, I understand it can be daunting to decide which one to use. I found a...
Mar 25, 2015 | advice, art, artist, buy craft, craft, craft business, facebook, how to, Pinterest, social media, twitter
Submitted by: Sydney Luther, SCC Communications Assistant Are you looking to branch out from Facebook and Twitter? The Social Media Examiner reports that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube combined. According to local social...
Mar 4, 2015 | advice, art, artist, artists, book review, business, buy craft, craft, craft business, Craft Year 2015, facebook, fine craft, how to, instagram, social media, twitter
Submitted by: Vivian Orr, Communications & Publications Coordinator How to Show & Sell Your Crafts: How to build your craft business at home, online, and in the marketplace By Torie Jayne, Copyright 2014 Less of an in-depth “How to” and more of an...
Jul 23, 2014 | art, business, craft, how to, instagram, social media, twitter
Submitted by: Sydney Luther, Communications AssistantRead Part 1 here.Similar to Facebook, Twitter is a social media website. Tweets are like Facebook status’, but are limited to 140 characters. You can share photos with your tweets, and you can also tweet links to...