Nov 26, 2014 | artists, collaboration, The Craft Factor
Volume 19, Number Two Fall/Winter 1994 In “Learning the Craft of Collaboration” woodturner Merryll Saylan explores what it means to collaborate among artists; how it can fail and how it can be successful. The article starts with Merryll describing her...
Jun 4, 2014 | craft markets, The Craft Factor, WaterFront Craft Art Market
Volume 9, number 2, Spring 1984 The SCC’s annual summertime market is coming up later this month. On June 28th, the WaterFront Craft Art Market will be held in Kiwanis Park North (Spadina Cres. & 22nd St) from 10am-7pm. As we gear up for this exciting event,...
Feb 6, 2014 | Affinity Gallery, The Craft Factor
Volume 18, Number 1 Summer 1993The current show on display at the Affinity Gallery is “Put a Wedge in It” – an exhibition of new work by artist, craftsperson, designer and maker Michael Hosaluk and invited friends. Using the wedge as their theme for...
Nov 27, 2013 | Affinity Gallery, Dimensions, The Craft Factor
Volume 11, Number 2 Summer 1986Dimensions is the Saskatchewan Craft Council’s touring, juried, exhibition of Fine Craft open to all Saskatchewan craftspeople. Dimensions is a dynamic, colourful exhibition of thirty-five Fine Craft works in a...
Aug 28, 2013 | craft business, how to, skill building, The Craft Factor
Vol 20, No 2 Summer/Fall 1995In the mid 90s, Karen Schoonover addressed issues around artists using the Internet – still a very new thing in most households, workplaces and schools at the time – to market them self. The internet was – and still...
Aug 14, 2013 | Affinity Gallery, artist profile, exhibition, The Craft Factor
Vol 26 No 2 Winter 2002Currently at Affinity Gallery is Two Perspectives, an exhibition of work by ceramic artist Mel Bolen and painter Karen Holden. The exhibition is unique juxtaposition of sculpture and painting and an exploration of surface and texture in...