Feb 5, 2019 | events, Parsons Dietrich, Toronto Gift Fair, wholesale, wholesale program
Written by: Carmen Milenkovic, Executive Director A handful of members of the Saskatchewan Craft Council spent last week in blizzardy Toronto at the annual Toronto Gift Fair (TGF). The gift fair enables retail outlets from across the country to meet suppliers...
Mar 24, 2016 | arts community, craft markets, Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival, SCC staff, spotlight, staff profile, Toronto Gift Fair, wholesale program, WinterGreen
Written by: Ferron Olynyk, SCC Member Services Coordinator I love working with people. In my job, I interact on a daily basis with our members, with potential members, and the general public. I feel really good about the vision and mandate of the SCC, and I...
Jan 29, 2016 | art, artist, artist profile, artist statement, artists, arts community, buy craft, ceramics, clay, craft, craft markets, events, felting, fibre art, fine craft, Fused Glass, Glass, SCC staff, Toronto Gift Fair, tour, travel, wholesale, wholesale program
Written by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant As part of our Wholesale Program, the Saskatchewan Craft Council is sending 6 artists — Ken Wilkinson, Zach Dietrich, Wendy Parsons, Heike Fink, Robert Miller, and Elisabeth Miller — to the Toronto Gift...