Apr 29, 2022 | marketing plan, SCC members, marketing, business, craft business, e-learning, how to, photography, social media, video
Written by: Sydney Luther, Digital Content Coordinator Do the musicians get paid? We recently had a Saskatchewan Craft Council member enquire about the music for Instagram reels and we thought we’d share the response: “Do the musicians get paid a...
Jan 3, 2018 | quilting, artist statement, community, exhibition, fibre art, photography, SCC Gallery, textiles, video, women
Written by: Shelley Miller, artist whose work is featured in “Intersections” in SCC Gallery Since my early formations as an artist, I have been interested in domestic materials as well as craft practices traditionally done by women. In recent years,...
Feb 26, 2016 | artist, artists, arts community, business, craft, e-learning, how to, lynda.com, photography, process, review, SCC staff, skill building, tutorial, video
E-Learning on Lynda.com The internet is your friend! Written by: Vivian Orr, Communications & Publications Coordinator Once upon a time learning meant sitting in a classroom – not any more. Now you can learn (more than you ever wanted to know, mwahahaha)...