Culture Days Hands-On Craft Activities on Broadway!
Come on out to Broadway Avenue in Saskatoon to take part in FIVE different hands-on craft activities! Children and adults alike are welcome to take part in these free Culture Days activities taking place on Saturday, October 1. No registration required, just drop in!
Bee Hive Printmaking
When: Saturday, October 1, 10 am – 1 pm
Where: SCC Gallery, 813 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, SK
From 10 am to 1 pm, Saskatchewan Printmakers Association artist Monique Martin will lead participants in a printmaking activity at the Saskatchewan Craft Council Gallery. On large sheets of Mulberry paper, printed with the hexagons we all associate with beehives, participants will use linocut stamps to “cap” the individual cells and add adult bees to the print.
• RSVP on the Culture Days website
Glass Mosaics
When: Saturday, October 1, 1:30 – 4:30 pm
Where: SCC Gallery, 813 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, SK
From 1:30 to 4:30 pm, Saskatoon Glassworkers Guild artist Joan Hiebert will lead participants in a glass mosaic activity at the Saskatchewan Craft Council Gallery. Children and adults will use a multitude of colourful glass bits and pieces, pressed into a soft matrix that will harden and hold their creation together.
• RSVP on the Culture Days website
Air Dry Clay Creations
When: Saturday, October 1, 10 am – 5 pm
Where: Clay Studio Three, #3-527 Main Street, Saskatoon, SK
Clay Studio Three artists will teach you to use air dry clay to make punch pots and small, hand built trays. A wide array of texturing tools will be available for use, and you’ll be able to take home your own creations without needing to fire them in a kiln!
• RSVP on the Culture Days website
Painting with Wool
When: Saturday, October 1, 10 am – 5 pm
Where: Handmade House, 710 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, SK
At Handmade House, activities will run from 10 am to 5 pm under canopies set up outside. Fibre artist Heike Fink will lead “Painting with Wool.” Participants will be given a pre-felted canvas and a wide selection of colourful wool roving to needle felt their “painting.”
• RSVP on the Culture Days website
Copper Wire Jewellery
When: Saturday, October 1, 10 am – 5 pm
Where: Handmade House, 710 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, SK
At Handmade House, jewellery artist Winston Quan will demonstrate his jewellery-making skills while helping participants create their own earrings, rings, or pendants out of copper using hammers, anvils, and assorted pliers and files.