Annual Jury Session Call (Winter 2025)

Applications Now Closed

Jury Session Dates:
Saskatoon: March 1, 2025
Regina: March 29, 2025

Jurying Process, Criteria, & Schedule


  • The intent of SCC markets is to provide a marketplace for high quality handmade objects.
  • These criteria apply to all applications for market eligibility.
  • Issues not covered by these or media specific guidelines will be subject to the advisement of the Standards and Jurying Committee.


  • Members holding a Professional Craftsperson Membership whose membership fees are paid in full.
  • Organizational Members may apply as an organization only. Please note: all members of the organization wishing to sell work within the organization/guild booth must be successfully juried as individuals.


  1. The annual jurying sessions are complimentary as a benefit of Professional Craftsperson membership. Jury sessions will be held in March of 2025 – dates are announced in the SCC SaskCreate newsletter and posted on the SCC website.
  2. If you cannot attend the annual jury session, interim sessions are offered throughout the year for a $50 fee. For more information contact Jillian Bogan, SCC Member Services Coordinator, at 306- 653-3616 ext. 1 or email
  3. SCC will send information regarding general and media specific jurying criteria to the craftsperson upon receipt of the membership fee and/or upon request. Fees apply to boost membership to Professional category or for payment of interim jury sessions.
  4. A deadline will be set for receipt of jurying applications, and applicants will be informed of their jurying interview date by February 20th.
  5. Participants must submit 12 samples in each medium to be juried. If your work is in large formats and difficult to transport, contact the Member Services Coordinator to determine what works to show. Should the applicant not be able to meet with the jurors, submitted materials must be shipped and insured both ways at the applicant’s expense or photographs taken of various angles of the work.
  6. All applicants will be informed verbally at the interview (or within 24 hours) as to the decision of the jurors; and in writing within one week after the jurying takes place.
  7. The decision of the Jurors is FINAL. No appeals will be accepted. You may make adjustments to work previously juried in order to apply again. 

For questions call or email: Alexa Hainsworth, Member Services Coordinator: | 1-306 653-3616 ext 1.


The following criteria will apply to all objects for sale at SCC Markets:

  • A craft article must be: a) the original idea of the craftsperson or, b) a skillful rendering of a traditional or classic design.
  • The use of commercial kits or molds is not acceptable.
  • Articles that require simple assembly of commercially available parts as opposed to skillful manipulation of materials will not be accepted.
  • Original design is expected in all products offered at SCC markets. Commercial patterns must be used with discretion. If used as the basis for product design in any media, this must be indicated on the jurying application form. Basic patterns must be substantially altered before the product is acceptable.
  • Reproductions of traditional or classical designs must be labelled as such.
  • Ready-made parts or components are permitted only if they are subordinate to the total design and craftsmanship of the article.
  • A piece must show understanding of the properties and limitations of the materials as well as competent methods of construction.
  • Articles must be skillfully finished.
  • The level of technique involved, and the design in terms of its function, will be considered in the evaluation of the overall quality of any given piece.
  • The object must be capable of serving the purpose for which it was designed.
  • Objects must be well designed both technically and aesthetically. Good design requires the consideration of the elements of design (form, line, colour and texture) and the principles of design (contrast, rhythm, repetition, transition, proportion and scale). These components, and the way in which they are expressed, are integral to the design quality of the finished piece.
  • The sale of kits prepared by the marketer is not permitted.
  • Customers must be informed of product care and use. Warning labels or tags must accompany the product e.g “raku pottery cannot go in the dishwasher”; “This doll is not a toy and should be used for decorative purposes only”.
  • The craftsperson is responsible for obtaining and complying with government safety and health regulations, as well as regulations regarding labelling. The SCC assumes no responsibility for the marketers’ compliance with government health, safety and labeling regulations.

Missed the last jurying deadline?

You may still have a chance to be juried! Contact to learn more.
Please note that a fee applies, and jurying may not be available at certain times of the year.