Judi Gay

Judi Gay

Judi Gay   Judi Gay is a Saori weaver and instructor in her hometown of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She was introduced to Saori weaving in 2012 and was immediately drawn to its history and philosophy of individuality and inclusion. The Saori way of weaving without...
Jude Haraldson

Jude Haraldson

Jude Haraldson I am a weaver, spinner, knitter of fine textiles, and a shepherd. My cloth has been exhibited, and has received awards, in various gallery and touring shows, and fibre competitions. The pleasures involved in doing all the processes to craft a beautiful...
June J. Jacobs

June J. Jacobs

June J. Jacobs My fibre work is inspired by nature’s miracles. I live and work in an environment that allows me to witness seasonal extremes and transformations. Using my eyes to look and to see, I transform these ideas and visions, utilizing various fibre...
Kaija Sanelma Harris

Kaija Sanelma Harris

Kaija Sanelma Harris Obituary: Kaija Sanelma Harris December 20, 1939 – August 20, 2022 On August 27th, 2022, Kaija Sanelma Harris, of Saskatoon, passed away at the age of 82. Kaija had an education in textiles in Finland and apprenticed in...
Kara Perpelitz

Kara Perpelitz

Kara Perpelitz   Kara Perpelitz discovered handspun yarns in 2008 and has since fallen down a very soft and warm rabbit hole into the world of handspun yarns and fibre arts. In 2010, she started the Master Spinner Program offered by Olds College in Olds, Alberta,...