Jan 26, 2023 | promotions, SCC members, craft industry, artist, artist program, business, community, craft business, fine craft, juried, jury process
Written by: Sydney Luther, Marketing Coordinator How do I take part in SCC programs? We get this question a lot! If you are a Saskatchewan-based craftsperson, we encourage you to become a member of the SCC and then have your work juried! How does membership work? Our...
Dec 19, 2022 | SCC members, artist, fabric, fine craft, luthier, women, wood, workshop
The Saskatchewan Craft Council has connected with filmmaker Thomas Hale of Reghal Media to showcase Saskatchewan craft artists working in their studio spaces, in a series he calls Makers. He has produced five short documentaries that we’d like to share with you, and...
May 2, 2022 | SCC members, craft education, sculpture, artist, arts community, ceramics, clay, collaboration, community, disappeared, installation, missing, murdered
Submitted by: Cheryl Ring, SCC juried Professional Craftsperson A Saskatchewan artist, who created an exhibit to remember and honour Canada’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, has been recognized outside of the Canadian borders. Created by...
Nov 7, 2019 | SCC members, Saskatchewan Arts Awards, advice, artist, artist profile, community, fibre, fibre art, Saskatchewan Arts Board
Bio written by: Saskatchewan Arts Board Acceptance speech written and presented by: Martha Cole, SCC Patron and fibre artist 2019 Lieutenant Governor’s Lifetime Achievement Award Saskatchewan Arts Awards • November 4, 2019 Martha Cole, Disley Martha Cole has...
Apr 29, 2019 | SCC members, CollaboratioNZ, artist, collaboration, community, emma, events, international, Saskatchewan Arts Board
Written by: Melody Armstrong, SCC juried Professional Craftsperson March 8 to March 16, 2019 Attending the 2019 CollaboratioNZ with my partner Terry Johnston was an amazing experience full of inspiration, connection, and being immersed in creativity. I...
Mar 26, 2019 | sculpture, artist, ceramics, clay, events, exhibition, the narrative dish
Written by: Maia Stark, Exhibitions & Education Coordinator On Saturday, March 16th at the Saskatchewan Craft Council Gallery we invited Carole Epp, artist, ceramic arts advocate, and editor of Musing About Mud, to discuss the exhibition The Narrative Dish...