May 3, 2017 | craft, craftivism, design, embroidery, exhibition, fibre art, SCC Gallery, textiles
Written by: Brianne Davis, Gallery Assistant Patches are currently experiencing another trend revival, having experienced a rise in popularity a number of times, most notably throughout the 20th century. Today, everyone from Teen Vogue to the Huffington Post...
Apr 12, 2017 | art book, book review, craft, craftivism, yarn-bombing
Written by: Vivian Orr, Communications and Publications Coordinator It is always exciting to discover a Canadian publisher of craft books and even more intriguing when their niche is alternative crafts. Arsenal Pulp Press is a book publisher in Vancouver with...
Mar 17, 2017 | advice, artist, craft, craft business, fibre art, process
Written by: Cindy Hoppe, SCC Board Chair & fibre artist I have been working at my craft for many years. I know I need a kick in the pants now and then, but I am not going to let myself suffer at the hands of another ego either. Rita St. Amant and I happened...
Mar 15, 2017 | crochet, craft, craftivism, fibre art, fine craft, gallery, skill building, technique, textiles
Written by: Brianne Davis, Gallery Assistant In 2003 sisters Margaret and Christine Wertheim founded the Institute For Figuring, the focus of which is to increase the public’s understanding of scientific and mathematical themes many of which focus on the...
Mar 1, 2017 | weaving, spinning, art, artists, community, craft, felting, fibre, fibre art, skill building, textiles
Written by: Dawn Rogal, Gallery Assistant Beginning in medieval times, a guild was an association of artisans or merchants who controlled the practice of their craft in a town. According to Wikipedia, guilds were organized in a manner something between a professional...
Feb 15, 2017 | art, artist, artist profile, craft, jewellery, process
Written by: Candace Chickowski, Gallery Assistant Oriol Dancer grew up on a farm at the edge of Canada’s oldest bird sanctuary in Southern Saskatchewan. The landscape was alive with inspiring hues of deep purple dragons tongue, turquoise, and flat prairie greens. The...