Mar 23, 2016 | artist, artists, craft, juried
Submitted by: Ferron Olynyk, Members Services Coordinator The Saskatchewan Craft Council Annual Jury Session took place over two weekends in March; the 12th and 13th in Saskatoon and on March 20th in Regina. Applicants are juried by two senior craft artists...
Mar 21, 2016 | art jewellery, artist, artist statement, contemporary jewellery, craft, design, jewellery, Melody Armstrong, membership, process, silver smith, spotlight
Submitted by: Melody Armstrong, SCC member and jewellery artist This piece is my submission for the award design for the Saskatchewan Arts Awards. “Presented by the Saskatchewan Arts Board, the Saskatchewan Arts Awards (formerly the Lieutenant...
Mar 18, 2016 | art, art book, artists, book review, craft, design, events, exhibition, fibre art, international, SCC staff, silver smith, technique, textiles, Wearable Art, wood
Submitted by Vivian Orr, SCC Communications & Publications Coordinator OFF THE WALL: The World of Wearable Art Photography by Martin de Ruyter, Neil Price, Rohit Chawla and Daniel Rose 746.920993 OFF – Frances Morrison Fine Arts Library in Saskatoon...
Mar 16, 2016 | advice, art, business, craft, craft business, e-learning, how to, photography, process, SCC staff, technique, tutorial
Written by: Vivian Orr, Communications & Publications Coordinator Why are we always asking for high resolution images? What does that mean? Excellent questions! The Internet is your friend, but sometimes it helps to have someone pick out the most...
Mar 9, 2016 | art, artist, artists, arts community, craft, exhibition, facebook, gallery, instagram, Pinterest, process, SCC staff, social media, staff profile, twitter
Written by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant What do I love about the work I do at the SCC? I love working with artists and being an advocate for them. Every day I get to write and share the fantastic things our members and artists in Saskatchewan are doing....
Feb 26, 2016 | artist, artists, arts community, business, craft, e-learning, how to,, photography, process, review, SCC staff, skill building, tutorial, video
E-Learning on The internet is your friend! Written by: Vivian Orr, Communications & Publications Coordinator Once upon a time learning meant sitting in a classroom – not any more. Now you can learn (more than you ever wanted to know, mwahahaha)...