Apr 4, 2019 | SCC members, HomeStyles, printmaking, hand-dyeing, embroidery, events, fabric, fibre art, process, textiles
Written by: Dawn Rogal, HomeStyles 2019 Craftsperson in Residence and juried SCC member When the call for applications to be the Craftsperson in Residence in the Saskatchewan Craft Council’s booth at HomeStyles Home Show came out I jumped at the chance. I love...
Jul 24, 2018 | community, craft, events, process, SCC Gallery
On Saturday, August 25, the Saskatchewan Craft Council (SCC) invites you to drop-in for Craft, Cookies & Coffee! This come-and-go event at SCC Gallery welcomes artists of all skill levels to meet their peers and work on a craft project in a low-stress, friendly...
Feb 21, 2018 | sketchbook, art, craft, pens & pencils, process, social media
Written by: Kaitlyn Frolek, Gallery Assistant I remember my first years in university taking the mandatory drawing classes, thinking I knew it all already. I hated the fact that I had to use a sketchbook. Hated it! The night before my portfolio was due, I would...
Jul 19, 2017 | SCC members, knife making, craft, design, process, skill building
Written by: Gary Greer, knife maker and SCC juried Professional Craftsperson The most difficult part of creating a knife is committing to a final design. In the beginning one has an idea which has to be brought forward into the physical world. It’s easy to draw...
Mar 17, 2017 | advice, artist, craft, craft business, fibre art, process
Written by: Cindy Hoppe, SCC Board Chair & fibre artist I have been working at my craft for many years. I know I need a kick in the pants now and then, but I am not going to let myself suffer at the hands of another ego either. Rita St. Amant and I happened...
Feb 23, 2017 | artist, artist profile, process
Written by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant Artist name: Laura Hamilton Business name: Laura Hamilton Art Medium: Mixed Media: latex house paint, oil paint, acrylic paint Practicing since: January 2015 Where to buy: laurahamiltonart.ca Ellen’s On...