Mar 15, 2017 | crochet, craft, craftivism, fibre art, fine craft, gallery, skill building, technique, textiles |
Written by: Brianne Davis, Gallery Assistant In 2003 sisters Margaret and Christine Wertheim founded the Institute For Figuring, the focus of which is to increase the public’s understanding of scientific and mathematical themes many of which focus on the...
Mar 1, 2017 | weaving, spinning, art, artists, community, craft, felting, fibre, fibre art, skill building, textiles |
Written by: Dawn Rogal, Gallery Assistant Beginning in medieval times, a guild was an association of artisans or merchants who controlled the practice of their craft in a town. According to Wikipedia, guilds were organized in a manner something between a professional...
Jun 23, 2016 | #ABCraft, 3D printing, art, artist, artist interview, artist profile, design, fashion, laser cutting, leather working, skill building, technique, Wearable Art |
Written by: Vivian Orr, SCC Communications and Publications Coordinator #ABCraft is the current exhibition in the Feature Gallery at Alberta Craft Council (ACC), 10186 – 106 Street, Edmonton, AB – on until July 2, 2016. #ABCraft looks at how digital technology...
Apr 20, 2016 | art, artist, artists in schools, arts community, collaboration, community, craft, fabric, fibre, fibre art, Saskatchewan Arts Board, skill building, technique, textiles |
Submitted by: Kara Perpelitz, SCC member and fibre artist Late last year, a friend of mine (who happens to be a teacher in our local school), Jessica Lepitzki, approached me about teaching a class of grade 8 & 9 students to spin, dye, and weave. The thought...
Feb 26, 2016 | artist, artists, arts community, business, craft, e-learning, how to,, photography, process, review, SCC staff, skill building, tutorial, video |
E-Learning on The internet is your friend! Written by: Vivian Orr, Communications & Publications Coordinator Once upon a time learning meant sitting in a classroom – not any more. Now you can learn (more than you ever wanted to know, mwahahaha)...
Feb 5, 2016 | art, artist, black and white photography, collaboration, craft, craft vs art, curatorial statement, curator's statement, definition of craft, design, events, exhibition, mixed media, Photographic Phantasmagoria, photography, pinhole photography, review, round table, SCC staff, skill building, technique |
Phantasmagoria was originally the name of a London exhibition in 1802, consisting of optical illusions produced chiefly by magic lantern (image projector). In current use, “phantasmagoria” refers to a sequence of real or imaginary images like those seen in a...