Aug 7, 2013 | craft business, craft vs art, The Craft Factor
Vol 20, No 2 Summer/Fall 1995Paula Gustafson tackled an issue artists of many mediums (not just craft) face over the course of their career: Am I an artist, or a producer? Does it have to be one or the other? Can I be both? Gustafson explores this issue with...
Jul 31, 2013 | craft business, craft markets, how to, The Craft Factor
Vol 13, No 3 Fall 1988Submitted in the Fall of 1988, the article “Better Booths” from set designer Michael Bantjes came at an oportune time, just before the Christmas craft show season. The article succinctly covers a variety of topics in respect to...
Jul 15, 2013 | craft markets, Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival, The Craft Factor
Our weekly Craft Factor post comes early this week, as we continue to look at the history of the Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival, which celebrates 40 years this weekend! July 19-21, 2013 at the Alex Dillabough Centre, Battleford.In The Craft Factor, we find a...
Jul 10, 2013 | buy craft, community, Dimensions, events, Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival, The Craft Factor
The Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival began in 1974, Sponsored by The Saskatchewan Department of Industry and Commerce and the Town of Battleford. The first couple of festivals/craft markets were organized by the Department of Industry in cooperation with a group of...
Jul 3, 2013 | Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival, The Craft Factor
Vol 23, No 3, Winter 1998/99Former Member Services Coordinator Chris Jones organized 14 Saskatchewan Handcraft Festivals during his nearly 15 years with the Saskatchewan Craft Council. In 1998, Chris submitted this article on the 25th Anniversary of the Festival, in...
Jun 26, 2013 | community, craft markets, events, Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival, The Craft Factor
Vol 8, No 3, Summer 1983The 40th Annual Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival takes place this coming July 19-21, 2013Leading up to this momentous occasion, on Talking Craft, we’ll take a look back at the history of the Festival, beginning with this report from...