Brenda Wolf

Brenda Wolf

Brenda Wolf Brenda Wolf is a multi-media artist living in Regina, Saskatchewan. In 2008, she fell in love with clay after visiting the University of Regina Ceramics studio. Taking basic pottery classes in both wheel throwing and hand building, she eventually set up a...
Cecile Miller

Cecile Miller

Cecile Miller I graduated from the University of Saskatchewan, in Canada with Bachelors of Fine Arts and Education degrees. My art career began as a high school art and pottery teacher. Later, I pursued my passion for clay by studying ceramics and attaining a Ceramics...
Cecilia J. Cote

Cecilia J. Cote

Cecilia J. Cote Cecilia J. Cote (Cec) juried in Clay and Sculpture, has been a member of the Saskatchewan Craft Council since 1975 as one of the many founding members.  She served two terms on the Board of Directors; worked as an SCC Gallery Assistant; and has...
Cheryl Ring

Cheryl Ring

Cheryl Ring Cheryl’s orientation to media is tactile. Although she has worked with a variety of art materials her longest history is with clay.  A passionate teacher and mentor, Cheryl regularly sells and shows work at local galleries. Recently exhibited work as a...
Claude Morin

Claude Morin

Claude Morin Recognition and Intentions Conveyed: It is the living spirits of a consciousness that sustain all life-forms within the universe!  Recent theories in cosmology and quantum physics speak to this mystery.  Via a ritualized approach to art, I seek to connect...