Bonny Macnab

Bonny Macnab

Bonny Macnab Biography Bonny Macnab has been an artist all her life. Growing up on the west coast in Canada she found out in school she excelled in art and all the variations of creativity it had to offer. After graduation she moved to the prairies where the wide open...
Carol Carter

Carol Carter

Carol Carter Carol Carter is a Saskatchewan artist who has worked with a large variety of mediums throughout her career. Most recently, she has dedicated her talents towards the fibre arts, including spinning, weaving and felting. She enjoys working with a variety of...
Carol Strelesky

Carol Strelesky

Carol Strelesky I offer aprons that aren’t your typical “aprons for mothers.” They are artistically and uniquely designed garments that are still practical. There are options for men, women, and children (with chef’s hats), and I offer all of these to customers in...
Cassie Rosteski

Cassie Rosteski

Cassie Rosteski she/her Cassie Danielle Designs is an eclectic collection of nonconformist wearable art that empowers the daring. Conscious slow fashion. Cassie has a strong sustainable ethic and focuses on using upcycled materials, eco textiles, natural materials to...
Catherine Merkley

Catherine Merkley

Catherine Merkley she/her My mother and grandmother were makers. My mother had a very high standard and it was at her knee that I was taught a number of techniques. Knitting became my favourite and when I discovered alpacas and started raising them and was enthralled...