Jan 26, 2023 | craft industry, promotions, SCC members, artist, artist program, business, community, craft business, fine craft, juried, jury process |
Written by: Sydney Luther, Marketing Coordinator How do I take part in SCC programs? We get this question a lot! If you are a Saskatchewan-based craftsperson, we encourage you to become a member of the SCC and then have your work juried! How does membership work? Our...
Jul 31, 2019 | SCC members, artist program, ceramics, Cindy Hoppe, community, fibre art, juried, jury process |
Written by: Karen Boldt, SCC juried Professional Craftsperson If your mittens from Something from Nothing have a little button embellishment on them (about half of them do), there’s a story as to where they came from. Several years ago, I stumbled upon a few of...
Jun 17, 2019 | artist program, arts community, craft, Creative Saskatchewan, Dimensions, events, exhibition, gallery, SCC Gallery, SCC staff |
Written by: Maia Stark, Exhibitions & Education Coordinator Thank you everyone who attended the Dimensions 2019 Gala and Reception! Dimensions exists to support and challenge craftspeople and artists. Stephanie and I, in our role as Exhibitions and Educations...
Mar 13, 2019 | craft education, printmaking, MIX Print Collective, silkscreen, artist program, artists, arts community, community, craft, Emerging Artists, events, Saskatoon, spotlight, University of Saskatchewan |
Written by: Emily M. Kohlert, Gallery Assistant MIX Print Collective is the student-run University of Saskatchewan printmaking collective in Saskatoon, SK, with students focusing on screen print, woodcut, linocut, intaglio, lithography, and other printmaking...
Aug 4, 2017 | SCC members, papier mâché, artist program, artists in schools, collaboration, community, paper |
Written by: Cheryl Ring, ceramic artist and SCC juried Professional Craftsperson The Healing Heart is a socially-engaged visual art project that will culminate in the creation of a large-scale collaborative sculpture. To launch the project, I will be bringing...
May 31, 2017 | CARFAC Sask, artist program, ceramics, clay, community, mentorship |
Written by: Maia Stark, Exhibitions and Education Coordinator Last year I was fortunate enough to be accepted to the CARFAC Saskatchewan Mentorship Program for 2016/2017. This 9 month program is run each year by CARFAC Sask, and it provides Saskatchewan visual...