Jan 26, 2023 | promotions, SCC members, craft industry, artist, artist program, business, community, craft business, fine craft, juried, jury process
Written by: Sydney Luther, Marketing Coordinator How do I take part in SCC programs? We get this question a lot! If you are a Saskatchewan-based craftsperson, we encourage you to become a member of the SCC and then have your work juried! How does membership work? Our...
May 2, 2022 | SCC members, craft education, sculpture, artist, arts community, ceramics, clay, collaboration, community, disappeared, installation, missing, murdered
Submitted by: Cheryl Ring, SCC juried Professional Craftsperson A Saskatchewan artist, who created an exhibit to remember and honour Canada’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, has been recognized outside of the Canadian borders. Created by...
Nov 12, 2019 | promotions, SCC members, marketing, Boutique, buy craft, community, events, juried, SCC Gallery
Written by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant Relax and enjoy a carefree shopping experience! Saturday, December 7, 2019 | 11 am to 4 pm 813 Broadway Avenue | Saskatoon SCC Fine Craft Boutique features contemporary, handcrafted jewellery, fibre, wood,...
Nov 7, 2019 | SCC members, Saskatchewan Arts Awards, advice, artist, artist profile, community, fibre, fibre art, Saskatchewan Arts Board
Bio written by: Saskatchewan Arts Board Acceptance speech written and presented by: Martha Cole, SCC Patron and fibre artist 2019 Lieutenant Governor’s Lifetime Achievement Award Saskatchewan Arts Awards • November 4, 2019 Martha Cole, Disley Martha Cole has...
Jul 31, 2019 | SCC members, artist program, ceramics, Cindy Hoppe, community, fibre art, juried, jury process
Written by: Karen Boldt, SCC juried Professional Craftsperson If your mittens from Something from Nothing have a little button embellishment on them (about half of them do), there’s a story as to where they came from. Several years ago, I stumbled upon a few of...
Apr 29, 2019 | SCC members, CollaboratioNZ, artist, collaboration, community, emma, events, international, Saskatchewan Arts Board
Written by: Melody Armstrong, SCC juried Professional Craftsperson March 8 to March 16, 2019 Attending the 2019 CollaboratioNZ with my partner Terry Johnston was an amazing experience full of inspiration, connection, and being immersed in creativity. I...