Jun 28, 2013 | community, craftivism, events, public art, yarn-bombing
Submitted by: Amanda Bosiak, Member ServicesPeople attending the Cathedral Village Arts Festival in Regina last month might have noticed some strange and wonderful installations hugging otherwise normal trees on 13th Avenue.Sustainable Sculpture Installation in...
Jun 14, 2013 | community, craftivism, Culture Days, events, SaskCulture
Submitted by: Cindy Hoppe, Fibre ArtistHello, Folks. I have promised Amanda to write a few blogs from time to time, so bear with me. As a grandma who grew up in a family that preferred ‘show me’ to ‘tell me,’ I am not all that comfortable with revealing...
May 21, 2013 | community, craftivism, yarn-bombing
Submitted by: Maia Stark, Gallery Assistant“Yarn-bombing” goes by many different names: “guerilla knitting,” “yarn-storming,” “urban knitting,” and even “grandmotherly graffiti,” just to name a few. What these various names have in common is the particular...