Apr 29, 2022 | SCC members, marketing, marketing plan, business, craft business, e-learning, how to, photography, social media, video
Written by: Sydney Luther, Digital Content Coordinator Do the musicians get paid? We recently had a Saskatchewan Craft Council member enquire about the music for Instagram reels and we thought we’d share the response: “Do the musicians get paid a...
Jul 3, 2020 | how to, social media
Understanding the Facebook Algorithm The Facebook algorithm can be quite complex and frustrating. You might be wondering why you aren’t seeing posts by organizations you like or why aren’t you getting updates about events that you are interested in. The algorithm...
Mar 21, 2018 | SCC members, craft education, artists in schools, arts community, craft, how to, skill building, technique, wood, woodworking, workshop
Written by: Glen Friesen, Industrial Arts Teacher at Waldheim School Waldheim School is a kindergarten to Grade 12 school located in the town of Waldheim, about 40 miles north of Saskatoon. Students enter the Industrial Arts program in Grade 7 and continue...
Jun 14, 2017 | promotions, SCC members, advice, artists, how to
Written by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant Okay, not exploit, exactly. But use it! The SCC exists to promote craft in Saskatchewan. We can only do that if you let us know what’s going on with you (craft artists in Saskatchewan)! REMINDER: We want to...
Mar 16, 2016 | advice, art, business, craft, craft business, e-learning, how to, photography, process, SCC staff, technique, tutorial
Written by: Vivian Orr, Communications & Publications Coordinator Why are we always asking for high resolution images? What does that mean? Excellent questions! The Internet is your friend, but sometimes it helps to have someone pick out the most...
Feb 26, 2016 | artist, artists, arts community, business, craft, e-learning, how to, lynda.com, photography, process, review, SCC staff, skill building, tutorial, video
E-Learning on Lynda.com The internet is your friend! Written by: Vivian Orr, Communications & Publications Coordinator Once upon a time learning meant sitting in a classroom – not any more. Now you can learn (more than you ever wanted to know, mwahahaha)...