Aug 12, 2013 | book review, craft business, how to, skill building
Submitted by: Amanda Bosiak, Member ServicesI’m a huge Joss Whedon fan: he’s the creative genius behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog and more recently, The Avengers movie. He also works on comic books, writes...
Jul 31, 2013 | craft business, craft markets, how to, The Craft Factor
Vol 13, No 3 Fall 1988Submitted in the Fall of 1988, the article “Better Booths” from set designer Michael Bantjes came at an oportune time, just before the Christmas craft show season. The article succinctly covers a variety of topics in respect to...
Jul 8, 2013 | community, craft business, craft markets, how to, skill building, wholesale
Submitted by: Susan Robertson, Ceramic ArtistPeople often ask me about the why/how I ended up focusing on wholesale. Early in my career I followed the traditional methods of flogging my wares, weekend after weekend at craft sales. At the time, my three...
Jun 6, 2013 | craft business, grant writing, how to, skill building
… Or what the SCC staff wished they had known!Submitted by: Vivian Orr, Communications & Publications CoordinatorSCC office personnel stepped up to the plate and with grim determination and their eyes fixed on potential money have researched, written and...
Jun 5, 2013 | CARFAC Saskatchewan, community, craft business, how to, membership, mentorship, skill building
Submitted by: Amanda Bosiak, Member ServicesThe CARFAC Saskatchewan Mentorship Program is the only program of its kind in Saskatchewan. Quite simply, the program partners experienced artists with new, emerging or mid-career artists. The goal of the program is to help...
Jun 4, 2013 | how to, skill building
Submitted by: Sydney Luther, Gallery AssistantThere are two main types of artist statements: the project statement and the bio statement. The bio statement is a piece of writing that is a mini biography of an artist, which may be essential when applying for...