Yvonne Musey Johnson

Yvonne Musey Johnson

Yvonne Musey Johnson Yvonne Musey Johnson is a mixed media artist living in Saskatoon. She loves to explore many subjects in her work, such as organic forms, cultural elements, vintage fashion and worldly communities while experimenting with a wide range of media. She...
Ashlee Brotzell

Ashlee Brotzell

Ashlee Brotzell Ashlee’s vision is to create a collection of crochet patterns to suit every occasion. She uses her fanciful and fun designs to inspire crocheters into finding their own creative outlet. Ashlee has been crocheting since she was 8 when her grandma...
Debbie McCrea

Debbie McCrea

Debbie McCrea Debbie McCrea lives on a ranch southwest of Mankota, Saskatchewan.Debbie works in pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, watercolors, acrylics, mosaics, carving, and paper mâché sculptures. She’s done several group and solo shows over the years, along with...
Katerina Malagride

Katerina Malagride

Katerina Malagride Katerina Malagride is a glass artist local to Regina, Saskatchewan. She began working with stained glass at the young age of 10, taking her first class at the Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre. She went on to create with this medium throughout her...
Brian Baggett

Brian Baggett

Brian Baggett Brian Baggett is a lifelong musician that has embraced a creative outlet of assembling hardwood boxes and related mosaic wood art. After a brief career in construction and remodelling, he began experimenting with hardwoods during down times...