Nov 12, 2015 | animal bone, art, artist, artist profile, artist program, artists, arts community, business, buy craft, ceramics, community, craft, craft markets, Emerging Artists, events, fibre, fibre art, jewellery, membership, mixed media, pens & pencils, pricing, process, silver smith, textiles, WinterGreen, WinterGreen Fine Craft Market, wood, woodworking |
The Saskatchewan Craft Council runs an Emerging Artist Market Experience Program, which allows emerging craft artists to participate in SCC markets in order to experience the market environment first hand and expand their contacts with the Saskatchewan craft...
Oct 13, 2015 | 40th anniversary, art, arts community, Canada, Canadian Crafts Federation, CCF, community, craft, Craft Year 2015, events, SCC staff, travel |
Canadian Crafts Federation Conference: Quebec City, September 24-27, 2015 by Vivian Orr, Saskatchewan Craft Council, Communications & Publications Coordinator To read the first part of Vivian’s post, click here. Just a few weeks ago, Carmen (SCC Executive...
Oct 7, 2015 | 40th anniversary, artists, arts community, Canada, Canadian Crafts Federation, CCF, collaboration, community, Craft Year 2015, fine craft, review, SCC staff, travel |
Canadian Crafts Federation Conference: Quebec City, September 24-27, 2015 by Vivian Orr, Saskatchewan Craft Council, Communications & Publications Coordinator Just a few weeks ago, Carmen (SCC Executive Director), David Freeman (SCC Board Member and CCF...
Aug 12, 2015 | Arizona, art, artists, arts community, events, exhibition, pop-up gallery, SaskArt, SaskGalleries, SCC staff, Scottsdale |
Submitted by: Maia Stark, Exhibitions & Educations Coordinator Back in March, during the first two weeks in my role as Exhibitions and Education Coordinator, I flew south to Scottsdale, Arizona to represent the SCC at “Saskatchewan,” a temporary...
Jul 29, 2015 | arts community, book review, Canada, community, craft, fine craft, magazine review, studio magazine |
Submitted by Noreen Donald, Fine Arts Library Assistant, Frances Morrison Central Library Review: Studio – Craft and Design in Canada Those who appreciate craft may find a valuable resource in the serials collection in Fine Arts at Frances Morrison...
Jul 15, 2015 | 40th anniversary, art, artist, artists, arts community, buy craft, community, craft business, craft markets, Craft Year 2015, Dimensions, events, history, saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival |
Submitted by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant. All information from this article was found in The Craft Factor, the Saskatchewan Craft Council’s magazine/newsletter, published from 1975 to 2004. The 42nd Saskatchewan Handcraft Festival is taking...