May 2, 2022 | SCC members, craft education, sculpture, artist, arts community, ceramics, clay, collaboration, community, disappeared, installation, missing, murdered |
Submitted by: Cheryl Ring, SCC juried Professional Craftsperson A Saskatchewan artist, who created an exhibit to remember and honour Canada’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, has been recognized outside of the Canadian borders. Created by...
Apr 29, 2020 | craft education, craft |
Like many of us, I have found it hard to keep a normal schedule now that I’m at home and inside so much of the time. I wanted to spend this time really pushing my artistic practice, but ended up taking a lot of naps and baking. There’s nothing wrong with...
Mar 13, 2019 | craft education, printmaking, MIX Print Collective, silkscreen, artist program, artists, arts community, community, craft, Emerging Artists, events, Saskatoon, spotlight, University of Saskatchewan |
Written by: Emily M. Kohlert, Gallery Assistant MIX Print Collective is the student-run University of Saskatchewan printmaking collective in Saskatoon, SK, with students focusing on screen print, woodcut, linocut, intaglio, lithography, and other printmaking...
Sep 25, 2018 | SCC members, craft education, painting, KIRA |
Written by: Michaela Hoppe, SCC Artist My name is Michaela Hoppe, and I am a prairie oil painter based out of Biggar, Saskatchewan. Last winter I found myself sitting around the house, thinking about art, about my art, and my art career specifically. Thinking...
Apr 11, 2018 | stained glass, SCC members, craft education, makerspace, spinning, weaving, silkscreen, clay, embroidery, events, fibre art, Glass, skill building, technique, wood |
The Saskatchewan Craft Council is presenting a series of demonstrations and hands-on craft activities throughout the day at the first ever Saskatoon Mini Maker Faire. The SCC is partnering with local guilds and arts groups to share the joy of handmade crafts. Come out...
Mar 21, 2018 | SCC members, craft education, artists in schools, arts community, craft, how to, skill building, technique, wood, woodworking, workshop |
Written by: Glen Friesen, Industrial Arts Teacher at Waldheim School Waldheim School is a kindergarten to Grade 12 school located in the town of Waldheim, about 40 miles north of Saskatoon. Students enter the Industrial Arts program in Grade 7 and continue...