Jun 17, 2015 | art, arts community, community, craft, SCC staff
This summer we have two wonderful summer students with us at the SCC! Zoé & Mackenzie were hired at the end of May, and will be helping us with several projects throughout the upcoming summer. You may see their smiling faces if you come into the office or gallery...
Jun 10, 2015 | 40th anniversary, Affinity Gallery, art, artists, clay, Clay Studio Three, collaboration, craft, curatorial statement, curator's statement, exhibition, saskatchewan
Submitted by: Maia Stark & Leslie Potter, SCC Exhibitions & Education Coordinators “When Clay Studio Three approached us for an exhibition to celebrate their 40th Anniversary, we thought it would be especially fitting considering the SCC was also...
May 26, 2015 | art book, book review, craft, fibre art, how to, Jane Austen, recipes, review, textiles
Submitted by Tracy Hanson, Fine Arts Library Assistant, Frances Morrison Central Library So Jane: Crafts and Recipes for an Austen-Inspired Life by Hollie Keith 745.5 KEIT (Frances Morrison Central Library) Jane Austen’s works of romantic fiction earned her a...
Apr 29, 2015 | advice, art, artists, business, craft, craft business, facebook, how to, instagram, skill building, social media, twitter
Submitted by: Sydney Luther, Communications Assistant This post is a part of a series on hashtag use. Click here for part two! A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a hash, number, or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic on social media...
Apr 1, 2015 | art, art book, artist profile, book review, craft, fibre art, review, textiles
Submitted by: Leah Bruce, Fine Arts Coordinator, Saskatoon Public Library Strange Material: Storytelling through Textiles by Leanne Prain 746 PRAI (Frances Morrison Central Library) As I am writing this review, I have The Voice on in the background. It is blind...
Mar 25, 2015 | advice, art, artist, buy craft, craft, craft business, facebook, how to, Pinterest, social media, twitter
Submitted by: Sydney Luther, SCC Communications Assistant Are you looking to branch out from Facebook and Twitter? The Social Media Examiner reports that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube combined. According to local social...