Apr 22, 2016 | art, community, craft, events, exhibition, gallery, SCC staff, staff profile
Submitted by: Maia Stark & Leslie Potter, SCC Exhibitions & Education Coordinators What do we love about the work we do at the SCC? We love being able to work with artists and their artwork: it is a privilege to handle and display Fine Craft and to feel...
Apr 20, 2016 | art, artist, artists in schools, arts community, collaboration, community, craft, fabric, fibre, fibre art, Saskatchewan Arts Board, skill building, technique, textiles
Submitted by: Kara Perpelitz, SCC member and fibre artist Late last year, a friend of mine (who happens to be a teacher in our local school), Jessica Lepitzki, approached me about teaching a class of grade 8 & 9 students to spin, dye, and weave. The thought...
Apr 13, 2016 | Affinity Gallery, art, artist, craft, emma, exhibition, gallery, SCC staff, staff profile
Written by: Maureen Schimnowsky, Interim Boutique and Administration Coordinator What do I love about the work I do at the SCC? I love the art! As the Interim Boutique and Administration Coordinator in Donna Potter’s absence, I had the unique opportunity to spend each...
Apr 8, 2016 | art, artist profile, artist statement, craft, design, fabric, fibre, fibre art, process, technique
Submitted by: Susan Marles, SCC Member and Fibre Artist Introduction I gravitated to textiles from a natural fibres expertise, first learning hand-spinning and -weaving with raw fleece. Embellishments with found objects such as dried lichens, plant materials...
Apr 4, 2016 | art, artists, craft, events, exhibition, pop-up gallery, saskatchewan, SaskGalleries, SCC staff, Scottsdale, travel
Written by: Kaitlyn Frolek, Gallery Assistant Scottsdale, Arizona 2016: what a wonderful opportunity to be introduced to the art scene in Old Town Scottsdale. This is the third year that the Saskatchewan Craft Council has participated in a partnership — along...
Mar 30, 2016 | art, artist, arts community, craft, curatorial statement, curator's statement, design, exhibition, fashion, fibre art, gallery, SCC staff, Wearable Art
Wearable Art 2 This exhibition showcases the work of artisans whose work was featured in the 2nd Saskatchewan Wearable Art Gala held at the Roxy Theatre in Saskatoon on November 14, 2015. Influenced by wearable art shows such as the World of Wearable Art Show...