Jun 20, 2018 | LGBTQ2+, Pride, hand-dyeing, rainbow flag, arts community, community, craft, craftivism, design, fibre, fibre art, history, SCC Gallery, textiles
Written by: Lucas Morneau, Exhibitions Assistant While working on our crafty decorations for Pride month, I started to think about how queer artists have used art and craft to speak about LGBTQ2+* issues. Funny enough, one of the most famous queer artworks was...
Jul 19, 2017 | SCC members, knife making, craft, design, process, skill building
Written by: Gary Greer, knife maker and SCC juried Professional Craftsperson The most difficult part of creating a knife is committing to a final design. In the beginning one has an idea which has to be brought forward into the physical world. It’s easy to draw...
May 3, 2017 | craft, craftivism, design, embroidery, exhibition, fibre art, SCC Gallery, textiles
Written by: Brianne Davis, Gallery Assistant Patches are currently experiencing another trend revival, having experienced a rise in popularity a number of times, most notably throughout the 20th century. Today, everyone from Teen Vogue to the Huffington Post...
Jun 28, 2016 | art, art book, book review, craft, design, international
Submitted by: Nicole Lisa Yablonski, Fine Arts Library Assistant, Saskatoon Public Library Contemporary Design: Africa By: Tapiwa Matsinde A Thames and Hudson book Frances Morrison Fine Arts Library Non-fiction 745.0967 MATS Africa is huge — It’s the second...
Jun 23, 2016 | #ABCraft, 3D printing, art, artist, artist interview, artist profile, design, fashion, laser cutting, leather working, skill building, technique, Wearable Art
Written by: Vivian Orr, SCC Communications and Publications Coordinator #ABCraft is the current exhibition in the Feature Gallery at Alberta Craft Council (ACC), 10186 – 106 Street, Edmonton, AB – on until July 2, 2016. #ABCraft looks at how digital technology...
Jun 16, 2016 | #ABCraft, art, artist, artist interview, artist profile, blacksmithing, design, exhibition, process
Written by: Vivian Orr, SCC Communications and Publications Coordinator #ABCraft is the current exhibition in the Feature Gallery at Alberta Craft Council (ACC), 10186 – 106 Street, Edmonton, AB – on until July 2, 2016. #ABCraft looks at how digital technology...