Mar 29, 2023 | promotions, SCC members, artist interview, exhibition, fibre art, SCC Gallery
Exhibitions Coordinator, Maia Stark, conducted this interview with textile artist Hanna Yokozawa Farquharson via email. Hanna Yokozawa Farquharson has a solo exhibition, Gaia Symphony, at the Saskatchewan Craft Council Gallery in Saskatoon, SK – closing May 27, 2023....
Aug 16, 2022 | SCC members, quilting, artist interview, fibre art
Introduction written by Leslie Stadnichuk: I am pleased to introduce my friend Trudi Griffin, a fibre artist residing in Southern Saskatchewan. Trudi creates wonderful, quilted pieces with bold colors in lovely designs, some of which she-dyes by hand. Trudi’s...
Jun 27, 2022 | SCC members, artist interview, fibre art, Glass
Introduction by Melody Armstrong: I would like to introduce Toby Cote, a fine fibre and glass artist from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Juried in glass and fibre with the Saskatchewan Craft Council, she works in a variety of mediums including wool, cloth, and...
Sep 16, 2021 | printmaking, fibre art, mixed media, saskatchewan
Written by Dawn Rogal For many artists the heat of a Saskatchewan summer brings visions of sugarplums. It’s that time when we begin to prepare items for the Saskatchewan Craft Council’s Holiday Boutique. It’s not difficult to get into the spirit because it’s a chance...
Nov 7, 2019 | SCC members, Saskatchewan Arts Awards, advice, artist, artist profile, community, fibre, fibre art, Saskatchewan Arts Board
Bio written by: Saskatchewan Arts Board Acceptance speech written and presented by: Martha Cole, SCC Patron and fibre artist 2019 Lieutenant Governor’s Lifetime Achievement Award Saskatchewan Arts Awards • November 4, 2019 Martha Cole, Disley Martha Cole has...
Jul 31, 2019 | SCC members, artist program, ceramics, Cindy Hoppe, community, fibre art, juried, jury process
Written by: Karen Boldt, SCC juried Professional Craftsperson If your mittens from Something from Nothing have a little button embellishment on them (about half of them do), there’s a story as to where they came from. Several years ago, I stumbled upon a few of...