From Scratch
SCC Member Group Exhibition
Exhibition Dates: August 3, 2020 - November 6, 2020
It has been 5 years since the Saskatchewan Craft Council has hosted a group exhibition by our members. From Scratch showcases over 20 SCC Juried Professional Craftspeople working in a variety of craft media.
To make something “from scratch” is a phrase originally referring to the line scratched in the ground from where competitors began a race. To make something “from scratch” these days, is to make something from nothing. Using foundational materials to make something new continues to be a critical component of craft, however, the advent of various tools and the blurred line between craft and art have introduced new conceptual frameworks to this tradition. From Scratch will consider the wide variety and complexity of technique and intent that exists in our contemporary craft world. Making from scratch will always be valued; but in an increasingly complex world, what else can we make and how can we make it?