Scottsdale, AZ Part 1 – Arts District

Scottsdale, AZ Part 1 – Arts District

Submitted by: Stephanie Canning, Exhibitions and Education CoordinatorRecently, I had the good fortune of representing the Saskatchewan Craft Council at SaskArt’s Saskatchewan Pop-up gallery in Scottsdale, AZ. Before my trip, I did not know what an incredible centre...
The Craft Factor – Plundering Art

The Craft Factor – Plundering Art

Volume 18, number 1, Winter 1993/Spring 1994 Cultural appropriation is a term that has become more common in recent times. A growing awareness of what it means to “borrow” aspects of another culture, and the negative implications of this has led to an...
Saskatchewan in Scottsdale

Saskatchewan in Scottsdale

Saskatchewan comes to Scottsdale, Arizona this week, in the form of an art show and gallery. From March 10th-27th, the group exhibition Saskatchewan will be on display. The Saskatchewan Craft Council has had the opportunity to join in on this venture, headed up...
Manifesto for Making: Report

Manifesto for Making: Report

Submitted by: Vivian Orr, SCC Marketing and Communications CoordinatorThe Heritage Crafts AssociationManifesto for Making: Report23 March 2013The Manifesto for Makingwas held as a part of the Heritage Crafts Associations’ annual Spring Conference at the Victoria and...
A Sociological Point of View

A Sociological Point of View

Submitted by: Sydney Luther, Gallery AssistantAs a Sociology student and non-artist working at the Saskatchewan Craft Council, I think I have a unique view of the artist and their work. I admire the courage it takes to choose to be an artist for a living and I have...
The History of Ugly Face Jugs

The History of Ugly Face Jugs

Submitted by: Sydney Luther, Gallery Assistant Bonnie Gilmour, a longtime member of the SCC has been recently focusing on a new line of work: face jugs. These jugs have a fascinating history, which adds to the charm of these works of art. There are many differing...