Group Exhibition
Exhibition Dates: January 12, 2019 - March 2, 2019
Reception: January 18, 2019 7:00 pm - 9 pm
Saskatchewan Craft Council is pleased to present Connections, coordinated by artists Michael Peterson and Monique Martin. Connections is an exhibition of printmaking by Saskatchewan and South Korean artists. This show was in part organized by the Print Art Research Centre in Seoul, Korea.
On a trip to Korea, Martin discovered the Print Art Research Center (PARC) in Seoul and became friends with several Korean printmakers. Thanks to these friendships, Martin had an exhibition of her work at PARC in the spring of 2017. While on that trip, she proposed the idea for Connections.
To help her coordinate the show, Martin called on Michael Peterson, Director of Saskatoon printmaking studio Void Gallery. Michael sought out work by several Saskatoon printmakers he had worked with at Void and contacted artists through Articulate Ink in Regina.
Artists in this exhibition use historical and contemporary printing processes to create their original pieces. While today a “print” can simply mean a “copy” or “reproduction,” printmaking is a tradition dominated by meticulous attention using hand and eye to produce consistency in works of high skill and varying content. Works created through silkscreen, mezzotint, etching and chine-collé, linocut, lithography, waterless lithography, and other techniques are displayed.