Grandfather’s Teachings of the Meadow Lark
Claude Morin
Exhibition Dates: May 19, 2018 - June 23, 2018
Reception & Artist Talk: June 9, 2018 2:00 pm - 3 pm
This exhibition tells the story of memories and current perspectives, as well as Claude Morin’s desire to explore his own interconnection with nature. Morin’s fondest memories of his maternal grandfather are of being together on the land, a farm on the outskirts of French settlement Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan. Morin has vivid memories of meadow larks, considered a messenger by Morin’s Fransaskois ancestors. From these roots a love of nature grew to a love for science and then art. Morin’s medium of choice, clay, is due to the natural relationship between clay and the earth — the material comes from the earth and is changed through water, air, and fire, representing earth’s ancestral beginnings.
This spiritually-focused exhibition is the result of Morin’s attitude towards making: rather than attempt to force the material to behave, Morin’s approach is to allow the contribution of changes, accidents, and natural expressions that occur. Morin states, “Gestures and accidents contribute to [the] composition. I must finally abandon the art to the caprices of fire. When the kiln is opened, the pieces slowly and subtly reveal their essence.” Morin feels this process allows the essence of the work and of the clay to reveal itself. In his art practice, Morin desires to further understand his connection to nature.
The artist would like to thank the Fransaskois Cultural Council for their project mentorship, the Saskatchewan Craft Council, and Serge Murphy for his help and encouragement.
Un grand merci au Conseil culturel fransaskois pour leur projet mentorat, Saskatchewan Craft Council, et à Serge Murphy pour ses directives et son encouragement.