Catherine Merkley

Catherine Merkley

Catherine Merkley she/her My mother and grandmother were makers. My mother had a very high standard and it was at her knee that I was taught a number of techniques. Knitting became my favourite and when I discovered alpacas and started raising them and was enthralled...
Cindy Hoppe

Cindy Hoppe

Cindy Hoppe Cindy Hoppe CV March 2022 I was born and raised on a farm west of Saskatoon. I attended the University of Saskatchewan and worked for 3 years on a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree that focused on painting. I was also learning crafts by helping my mother attend...
Dawn Rogal

Dawn Rogal

Dawn Rogal Since January of 2008, Dawn has worked as a printmaker and continues to insist that she is a printmaker. However, when the printmaking gods are not with her, Dawn retreats to her comfort zone and the results are structural textile pieces stitched entirely...
Debora Barlow

Debora Barlow

Debora Barlow Debora Barlow is an artist, presenter, teacher and CQA/ACC national certified quilt show judge. As a fiber artist she creates innovative art quilts, pictorial and abstract utilizing a variety of techniques and embellishments. Her work has been exhibited...
Della Yaroshko

Della Yaroshko

Della Yaroshko My journey with felting started when my husband said, “Let’s keep llamas in our pasture.” At a Llama Canada conference, I discovered that the beautiful fibre I was shearing from our animals could be felted. The next step was taking a...