Jun 25, 2018 | Emma 2018, emma |
Taking place from July 25th to August 1st, the Emma International Collaboration is an unstructured, creative collaboration between invited artists from all over the world. Affectionately known as “Emma,” this biennial week-long residency takes place at the Ness Creek...
Jun 22, 2018 | SCC members, Salon des Métiers d’art Montreal |
Who is eligible? SCC JURIED PROFESSIONAL CRAFTSPEOPLE Application Deadline? MONDAY, JULY 9TH, NOON The Saskatchewan Craft Council will be participating in the Les Salon des métiers d’art de Montréal (SMAM – Montreal Craft Show), a non-profit Christmas...
Jun 20, 2018 | LGBTQ2+, Pride, hand-dyeing, rainbow flag, arts community, community, craft, craftivism, design, fibre, fibre art, history, SCC Gallery, textiles |
Written by: Lucas Morneau, Exhibitions Assistant While working on our crafty decorations for Pride month, I started to think about how queer artists have used art and craft to speak about LGBTQ2+* issues. Funny enough, one of the most famous queer artworks was...
Jun 18, 2018 | Emma 2018, emma |
Taking place from July 25th to August 1st, the Emma International Collaboration is an unstructured, creative collaboration between invited artists from all over the world. Affectionately known as “Emma,” this biennial week-long residency takes place at the Ness Creek...
Jun 13, 2018 | marketing, photography, SCC staff, summer students, University of Saskatchewan |
Written by: Michelle Day, Boutique & Gallery Marketing Assistant Hi everyone! My name is Michelle Day and I have the pleasure of embarking on the journey with the Saskatchewan Craft Council as their new Boutique and Gallery Marketing Assistant for the...
Jun 11, 2018 | Emma 2018, emma |
Taking place from July 25th to August 1st, the Emma International Collaboration is an unstructured, creative collaboration between invited artists from all over the world. Affectionately known as “Emma,” this biennial week-long residency takes place at the Ness Creek...
Jun 8, 2018 | Emma 2018, emma |
Taking place from July 25th to August 1st, the Emma International Collaboration is an unstructured, creative collaboration between invited artists from all over the world. Affectionately known as “Emma,” this biennial week-long residency takes place at the Ness Creek...
Jun 6, 2018 | crochet, fibre art, SCC staff, summer students, textiles, University of Saskatchewan |
Written by: Lucas Morneau, Exhibitions Assistant Gazing upon the ceramic work of Claude Morin in his exhibition Grandfather’s Teachings of the Meadow Lark here at the SCC, I find myself reflecting on stories and traditions passed down by my own grandparents. As...
Jun 5, 2018 | Emma 2018, emma |
Taking place from July 25th to August 1st, the Emma International Collaboration is an unstructured, creative collaboration between invited artists from all over the world. Affectionately known as “Emma,” this biennial week-long residency takes place at the Ness Creek...
Jun 1, 2018 | Emma 2018, emma |
Taking place from July 25th to August 1st, the Emma International Collaboration is an unstructured, creative collaboration between invited artists from all over the world. Affectionately known as “Emma,” this biennial week-long residency takes place at the Ness Creek...