Colour Outside the Lines
Group Exhibition
Exhibition Dates: August 24, 2016 - October 1, 2016
Reception: September 9, 2016 7:00 pm - 9 pm
The Saskatchewan Craft Council is excited to present Colour Outside the Lines, an exhibition of new work from members of the Saskatoon Glassworkers’ Guild.
Once upon a time, glassworking skills were trade secrets. Alchemy at its finest, it still requires great skill. Artists work with a molten substance at searing temperatures. They need an understanding of chemical and temperature interactions and must execute well thought out steps with speed and precision. When you work with glass you need to control the material as it transforms from solid to liquid to solid and all the phases in between. Glass is a fascinating and flexible medium that allows artists to play with light and colour.
This exhibition showcases a variety of techniques used by the artists who have challenged themselves to create work “outside the lines.” For some, this meant pushing their technical talents; for others, their goal was to make something inventive in theme or function.
Alongside individual pieces, the artists have collaborated on a large wall piece which reflects graffiti and street art through the laborious process of glass working. The artists of the Saskatoon Glassworkers’ Guildwant to share their results and love of glass with you.