Monique Martin
Exhibition Dates: October 7, 2016 - November 19, 2016
Reception: October 21, 2016 7:00 pm - 9 pm
Artist Talk: October 20, 2016 7:00 pm - 9 pm
Created by multi-media artist Monique Martin – Continuous must be experienced. Your eyes are grabbed by the floor-to-ceiling linocut prints consisting of 45,000 hexagons, and approximately 4,000 bees on 1,200 square feet of paper. Your other senses are engaged by the scent of beeswax and the sound of humming that fills the air. Walking through this paper beehive encourages you to see yourself linked to the history, life cycles, and health of bees.
A fitting commemoration of our 300th gallery exhibition!
“Life is a continuous cycle of growing and changing, no matter who you are or where you live. Nothing is static. Nothing stays the same. Change is a constant in this evolving world in which we live.”
~ from Monique Martin’s artist statement
Martin’s interest in bees and our relationship to them began during a residency in Paris. Martin spent a year researching the patterns and lifecycles of bees, interacting with hives and learning from beekeepers. Her large intricate prints show an intimate understanding of hives in various states of health, reminding us of the need to address the deterioration of bee communities and how this reflects human environmental impact.