It’s A Shoe In
Group Exhibition
Exhibition Dates: October 24, 2014 - November 29, 2014
Reception: November 1, 2014 7:00 pm - 9 pm
Artist Talk: November 20, 2014 7:00 pm - 9 pm
Exhibition Juror Heather Smith, Curatorial Director for Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery, selected 30 sculptural ceramic pieces by the SaskTerra Group of artists for this funky, fantasy footwear exhibit.
Smith says, “SaskTerra has been mounting exhibitions with humorous or thought-provoking themes for a number of years now.
It reminds us that setting limitations of any kind (i.e. shoe theme) can be invigorating for anyone’s creative process.”
Indeed, SaskTerra should be commended for its role in enabling clay artists to expand their practises and encouraging emerging craftspeople.