The Moving Heart
Karlie King & Ashley Johnson
Exhibition Dates: November 20, 2021 - January 8, 2022
The SCC has cancelled the in-person events scheduled for January 08th and 09th. Alternative VIRTUAL EVENTS have been created, please note the schedule changes below.
VIRTUAL artist talk with Ashley Johnson and Karlie King
Sunday January 09, at 12pm on Zoom and streamed on Facebook.
REGISTER for the Zoom event HERE.
Or, go to @SKCraftCouncil on Facebook at 12pm to view the live stream
VIRTUAL workshop with Ashley Johnson
Sunday January 09, at 3pm on Zoom.
REGISTER for the Zoom event HERE.
Saskatchewan Craft Council invites you to participate in an interactive exhibition by Regina artists Karlie King and Ashley Johnson.
This collaborative exhibition between ceramic artist Karlie King and dancer Ashley Johnson provides an interactive space where the audience can consider how anatomy and personal experiences connect us all. Sound installation created by Jeff Morton using augmented steel guitar, piano and sound recording of Ashley’s heart beat during an echocardiogram.
King works in a variety of media and forms; her sculptural works in this exhibition — ceramic anatomical hearts — are meant to be held, sensed, and touched to connect us with our own bodies.
Johnson has researched her own heart condition and interviewed medical professionals to translate anatomical language into a vocabulary which inspires her movement and poetic works.
The artists would like to acknowledge the support of The Canada Council for the Arts and SK Arts in the creation of this work.
To book a personal tour, please contact (306) 653-3616 ext. 0 or saskcraftcouncil@sasktel.net.
For more information, please contact:
Steph Canning & Maia Stark
SCC Exhibitions & Education Coordinators
Saskatchewan Craft Council
813 Broadway Avenue
Saskatoon, SK S7N 1B5
(306) 653-3616 ext: 2